Building Brighter Futures

Our work at AWH goes beyond skills training; it’s about creating a supportive and inclusive environment where young adults with unique abilities can thrive. Discover how we empower and support Autistic young adults, fostering skills, promoting inclusivity, and shaping brighter futures through our diverse programs and community engagement.

The Beginning

Our first four-week pilot program kicks off in Summer 2024, welcoming 10-15 bright minds. Together, we will learn, we will grow, and we will prove that every individual, regardless of neurodiversity, deserves a seat at the table and a chance to shine in the workplace.

Skill Development

Over four immersive weeks, our curriculum is designed to be both comprehensive and inclusive, encompassing a diverse range of skill-building activities and experiences. Through technology-driven modules focusing on Office 365 proficiency, data management, clerical skills, and customer service excellence, participants will hone skills crucial for workplace success.

This includes mastering letter writing using templates, customer service techniques, and strategies for ensuring customer satisfaction. We provide access to educational resources and opportunities that allow our participants to expand their knowledge and skills beyond the initial training program.

Workplace Readiness

Internship and Job Opportunities
We partner with local businesses and organizations to offer internships and job opportunities that align with our participants’ skills and interests. We also provide career coaching and mentorship to help them navigate the job market with confidence.

Social and Emotional Skills
We understand that soft skills are crucial for success in the workplace. We help our participants develop communication skills, teamwork, and problem-solving abilities through various activities and workshops.

Well-being and Community

Outdoor Activities
Our program extends beyond the classroom; it is about fostering holistic growth. Our schedule integrates outdoor activities, promoting healthy lifestyles through nature walks, sports, and team-building exercises.

Life Skills Training
We offer workshops and training on essential life skills such as financial literacy, independent living, and healthy relationships. This empowers our participants to become more independent and make informed decisions about their lives.